An attractive and varied programme of extracurricular activities - always in the Montessori atmosphere - is offered throughout the year, with specific projects each term.
It can offer, among other things, courses on :
and of course, games of all kinds indoors and outdoors.
These activities allow children to create or consolidate their socialization, but also to develop a sense of sharing, creativity and harmony.
AFTER-SCHOOLCARE (with afternoon snack)
Package A - every afternoon after classes (4 p.m. to 6 p.m.), CHF 3’000.- per year, upon registration for the whole year.
Package B - Wednesday (1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.), CHF 2'160.- per year, upon registration for the whole year.
Package C - every afternoon + Wednesday, CHF 4'680.- per year.
upon registration for the whole year.
Occasional drop :
On request made 24 hours in advance, it is possible to register for the After-school care - outside the above programme - at the rate of CHF 20.- per hour. Any hour started will be invoiced.
ECOLE DES NATIONS (Montessori pedagogy)
Chemin Dr-Adolphe-Pasteur 13
1209 Geneva
Office : 022 738 81 80
Email :
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