The School, located in a Romand canton, gives priority to the initiation of writing and reading in the French language from 4 years old. English is taught orally from 3 years old.
The classroom environment is bilingual from 3 to 6 years old. English is spoken only for comprehension and expression. Pupils are exposed to both languages during school hours.
Body education through sport and motor skills is part of our educational project from 3 years old. Motor skills and sports activities are supervised by professionals according to the principles of Montessori pedagogy.
Outdoor education is part of our project through various activities throughout the year, on the initiative of teachers but also in partnership with the “Ferme de Budé” (close to the School) and the association "I love my planet". Regular workshops complement the curriculum in this context.
Our educational project is open to artistic expression and music through participation in concerts and events chosen by teachers and their pupils, in order to enrich their sensitivity and their discoveries. A musical awakening programme is offered as part of the after-school activities. Preparatory classes are equipped with bells, Montessori music equipment, for learning sounds.
4 ½ days of teaching per week
Swimming lessons included in the school curriculum
Monitoring of the objectives of the Harmos programme (Plan d’Etudes Romand) from
3-4 years - preschool
4-5 years - 1P (Harmos)
5-6 years - 2P (Harmos)
An oral assessment with families is organized in January and a written annual formative evaluation, delivered in June.
Montessori programme over 3 years in connection with the Harmos programme:
Practical life. The material of practical life through which he learns to take care of his environment and his person.
Sensory life. The material allows him to study similarities, differences, comparisons, contrasts. He works on colors, shapes, volumes, materials, weights, odors.
Mathematics. The mathematics material gives him the knowledge and a solid base of knowledge and a beginning of understanding of the world in which he lives: Enumeration / Numeration / Notions of operation / Memorization.
Languages. French: vocabulary enrichment, expression and oral comprehension, graphic design, pre-writing in French, pre-reading in French.
English: oral for expression, vocabulary enrichment and comprehension.
Culture. Geography, zoology, botany, music and plastic arts activities, gardening and / or cooking.
All activities are organized in view of an easy accessibility, directly by the child himself. They can be done without assistance of the adult, then put back by the child. Everything is thought to develop his autonomy to the maximum, the material is self-correcting. He can come and go freely, can observe his peers, but he must not disturb them, which requires an effort to control his voice and gestures. He learns respect for himself and the other.
ECOLE DES NATIONS (pédagogie Montessori)
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1209 Genève
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